Sign our pledge today to stop an older person dying in poverty. 

Every 8 minutes another older person dies in poverty in the UK.* That’s 68,000 every year. It’s unacceptable. Life-changing financial support does exist, but many older people don’t have access because the system is so difficult to navigate. Together, we can help unlock it. 

Please take 1 minute to pledge your support. 

Nobody should have to face financial hardship. Across the UK, that's the reality for nearly two million older people. We're launching our pledge to bring us all together to do our bit to tackle poverty in later life. Whether that's learning more about poverty in later life, raising awareness of the barriers older people in financial hardship face, or showing your support for the changes older people need to see, we all have a part to play. 

Please join thousands of people across the UK and add your name to our Pledge Against Pensioner Poverty.  

Together, we can stand for a society where everyone has a financially secure future. And that all starts with signing your name.

*Department for Work and Pensions: Households below average income (HBAI) statistics and Office for National Statistics Deaths registered in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics (

Click here to read our pledge

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